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Zig Programming Language Journey Beginning

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    Jayden Koh


Zig is a general-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software that has no hidden control flow, no hidden memory allocations, and no preprocessor.

Similar to C, Zig does not employ garbage collection; instead, it relies on allocators for memory management, contrasting with the manual memory management approach in C.


  • RSA implementation
  • Linked lists
  • Virtual Machine
  • Obfuscated CTF challenge
  • PRNG
  • Brainfuck Compiler
  • Sockets Program
  • Blockchain Authentication Service
  • Ray Tracing Emulator
  • Serial Service for TM4C123GXL
  • Text Editor
  • Windows Tiling Manager
  • CHIP-8 Emulator
  • OS


I hope that by learning Zig I'll be able to learn low-level computer systems without worrying about unnecessarily fickle memory mistakes.

Additionally, Zig is backwards compatible with C and people have been speculating that it will replace Zig on embedded systems.

Little Computer 3 Virtual Machine

When I think about virtual machines my first thought goes to the emulated hardware ones, the VMware and VirtualBox type of VMs, but there's another type of VM that's incredibly commonplace. Language VMs like JVM and the Python interpretor are essential for creating runtime envionments that allow high level languages run without the need for a separate compiler running native hardware. I wrote a virtual machine for the LC3 virtual machine that takes a binary file written in LC3 assembly and runs it.

The main part of this challenge is simply implementing all the 12 instructions and 6 trap codes. There is also the problem of trying to get Zig's terminal into raw mode but with such little/outdated documentation of TUIs in Zig, I decided to just skip it for now.

A key difference between C and Zig is that Zig is exetremely careful about type safety. You see, in C when we want to do something like this: uint + int => uint we can do that with minimal casting. But in Zig, we need to first bit cast the uint into an int, because an int cannot hold all the possible values of a uint of the same size. Then we need to do the operation. Then bit cast the int back into the uint. When this happens enough times, the code gets really messy and is flooded with @as(i16,@bitCast(value)). However, this is exactly what makes Zig so safe ("safe").

I also added unit testing for all the instruction calls because I'm a good programmer.


Example of character_counter.obj:

zig run -lc lc3-zig/src/main.zig -- lc3-zig/images/programs/character_counter/character_counter.obj release
Starting the VM...
Character Counter - Copyleft (c) Dennis Ideler.
Please enter a line of lower case text.

Example with debug prints on hello2.obj:

zig run -lc lc3-zig/src/main.zig -- lc3-zig/images/hello2.obj
File start: 3000
Filename: /home/wslappendix/.cache/zig/o/88a2d62dfdda1e6f7ede7cb12b4a097b/main lc3-zig/images/hello2.obj
Starting the VM...
Breakdown of instruction: 1110000000000101 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_LEA
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3002, 1 }
Breakdown of instruction: 0010001000010011 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_LD
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3003, 1 }
Breakdown of instruction: 1111000000100010 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_TRAP
Hello, World!
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3004, 3004, 1 }
Breakdown of instruction: 0001001001111111 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_ADD
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3004, 3005, 1 }
Breakdown of instruction: 0000001111111101 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_BR
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3004, 3003, 1 }
Breakdown of instruction: 1111000000100010 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_TRAP
Hello, World!
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3004, 3004, 1 }
Breakdown of instruction: 0001001001111111 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_ADD
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3004, 3005, 1 }
Breakdown of instruction: 0000001111111101 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_BR
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3004, 3003, 1 }
Breakdown of instruction: 1111000000100010 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_TRAP
Hello, World!
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3004, 3004, 1 }
Breakdown of instruction: 0001001001111111 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_ADD
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3004, 3005, 1 }
Breakdown of instruction: 0000001111111101 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_BR
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3004, 3003, 1 }
Breakdown of instruction: 1111000000100010 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_TRAP
Hello, World!
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3004, 3004, 1 }
Breakdown of instruction: 0001001001111111 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_ADD
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3004, 3005, 1 }
Breakdown of instruction: 0000001111111101 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_BR
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3004, 3003, 1 }
Breakdown of instruction: 1111000000100010 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_TRAP
Hello, World!
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3004, 3004, 1 }
Breakdown of instruction: 0001001001111111 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_ADD
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3004, 3005, 2 }
Breakdown of instruction: 0000001111111101 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_BR
Registers in 0x: { 3007, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3004, 3006, 2 }
Breakdown of instruction: 1111000000100101 hardware.vm.Instruction.OP_TRAP

Here we can clearly see the TRAP call printing out the string "Hello, World!". The ADD is decrementing our counter in R0 from 5 to 0. The BR is checking if our zero flag has been checked in condition code register, basically has our counter reached 0.

Doubly Linked List in Zig



Print my list:
3  133  44  44  44  42
Print my list BACKWARDS:
42  44  44  44  133  3

Inline reversing my list...
Print reversed list:
42  44  44  44  133  3
Print reversed list BACKWARDS (so should be normal):
3  133  44  44  44  42

Popping the last element...
This is my popped node: LinkedList.Node{ .value = 3, .next = null, .prev = null }
And the list looks like this now:
42  44  44  44  133
133  44  44  44  42

Let's get rid of 133
42  44  44  44
44  44  44  42

Let's get rid of 100 (it doesn't exist)
I errored!!
42  44  44  44
44  44  44  42

How many 44's are there?
There are 3 44's.

Let's remove all the 44's
Yey Linked Lists :)

Zig Language and Standard Library

4/3/2024 Started learning the Zig language and parts of the standard library.

I learned about the combinations of types which include:

  • var vs const
  • optional values (?)
  • error unions (!)
  • single vs many-item pointers (* and [*])
  • slices of arrays ([] and [x..y])
  • sentinel termination ([n:null])

And the new concept of comptime, a method of running code at compilation time.

In addition to that there is the type anytype that includes compile-time reflection, increasing the dynamic nature of the language through metaprogramming compared to the very strictly-typed implementation of C.

Discrete Structure Projects

Modular arithemic

I implemented the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to find the Bezier Coefficients and the GCD of 2 integers in O(log2(n))O(\log_2(n)) time.

wslappendix@LAPTOP:~/zig-dir/mathCode/src$ echo $((11*963852)) $((13*963852)) | xargs ./main.zig
   a   |   b   |   q   |   r   |   s   |   t
12530076 | 10602372 | 1 | 1927704 | 1 | -1 |
10602372 | 1927704 | 5 | 963852 | -5 | 6 |
1927704 | 963852 | 2 | 0 | 11 | -13 |
gcd is 963852
bezier coeffs are s=-5, t=6: -5*12530076+6*10602372=963852

You can find the code here.

RSA Suite:

Simplified RSA Algorithm:

  • Choose p=3p = 3 and q=11q = 11
  • Compute n=pq=311=33n = p * q = 3 * 11 = 33
  • Compute ϕ(n)=(p1)(q1)=210=20\phi (n) = (p - 1) * (q - 1) = 2 * 10 = 20
  • Choose ee such that 1<e<ϕ(n)1 < e < \phi (n) and ee and ϕ(n)\phi (n) are coprime. Let e=7e = 7
  • Compute a value for dd such that (de)%ϕ(n)=1(d * e) \% \phi (n) = 1. One solution is d=3[(37)%20=1]d = 3 [(3 * 7) \% 20 = 1]
  • Public key is (e, n) => (7, 33)
  • Private key is (d, n) => (3, 33)
  • The encryption of m=2m = 2 is c=27c = 27 % 33 = 29
  • The decryption of c=29c = 29 is m=293m = 293 % 33 = 2

Source UT Austin.

So I based my implementation off that simplified schema but adding discrete math to ensure the numbers were generated in polynomial time instead of simply brute forcing numbers. This allowed me to generate very large numbers on the order of magnitude of seconds.

Code can be found here.

Proper (somewhat) implementation of RSA:

    1. Find Euler Polynomial from 3<=n<=73<=n<=7, the numbers can honestly be arbitrary as long as it doesn't integer overflow.
    1. Derive the Mersenne number from the previously obtained Euler Prime.
    1. Pick an arbitrarily small prime number for ee.
    1. Solve for dd such that ed1%ϕ(n)e*d \equiv 1 \% \phi(n) by solving for ae+bϕ(n)=1ae + b\phi(n) = 1 and da%ϕ(n)d \equiv a \% \phi(n).
    1. Verify using EGCD.

Generating prime numbers (O(logn)O(\log n) from exponentiation):

Generating primes:
euler prime: 71
mersenne prime: 2^71-1
euler prime: 83
mersenne prime: 2^83-1
Primes p and q: 2361183241434822606847 9671406556917033397649407
Proving they are prime:
   a   |   b   |   q   |   r   |   s   |   t
9671406556917033397649407 | 2361183241434822606847 | 4096 | 4095 | 1 | -4096
2361183241434822606847 | 4095 | 576601524159907840 | 2047 | -576601524159907840 | 2361759842958982512641
4095 | 2047 | 2 | 1 | 1153203048319815681 | -4723519685917965029378
2047 | 1 | 2047 | 0 | -2361183241434822606847 | 9671406556917033397649407
gcd is 1
bezier coeffs are s=1153203048319815681, t=-4723519685917965029378: 1153203048319815681*9671406556917033397649407+-4723519685917965029378*2361183241434822606847=1

Generating public key (O(logn)O(\log n) where n=ϕ(pq)n = \phi(p*q)):

euler prime: 47
mersenne prime: 2^47-1

Found the public key exponent
e, n = 140737488355327   22835963083295358096922901743451763713903689729

Generating private key (O(logn)O(\log n) where n = ee):

Finding the private key exponent through inverse mod with egcd
   a   |   b   |   q   |   r   |   s   |   t
22835963083295358096913227975711605245683433476 | 140737488355327 | 162259276829214516312945144635391 | 140600015855619 | 1 | -162259276829214516312945144635391
140737488355327 | 140600015855619 | 1 | 137472499708 | -1 | 162259276829214516312945144635392
140600015855619 | 137472499708 | 1022 | 103121154043 | 1023 | -165991240196286450188142882962006015
137472499708 | 103121154043 | 1 | 34351345665 | -1024 | 166153499473115664704455828106641407
103121154043 | 34351345665 | 3 | 67117048 | 4095 | -664451738615633444301510367281930236
34351345665 | 67117048 | 511 | 54534137 | -2093569 | 339700991932061805702776253509172992003
67117048 | 54534137 | 1 | 12582911 | 2097664 | -340365443670677439147077763876454922239
54534137 | 12582911 | 4 | 4202493 | -10484225 | 1701162766614771562291087309014992680959
12582911 | 4202493 | 2 | 4177925 | 23066114 | -3742690976900220563729252381906440284157
4202493 | 4177925 | 1 | 24568 | -33550339 | 5443853743514992126020339690921432965116
4177925 | 24568 | 170 | 1365 | 5726623744 | -929197827374448881987186999838550044353877
24568 | 1365 | 17 | 1363 | -97386153987 | 15801806919109145985908199336946272186981025
1365 | 1363 | 1 | 2 | 103112777731 | -16731004746483594867895386336784822231334902
1363 | 2 | 681 | 1 | -70317187788798 | 11409616039274437251022666294687410211726049287
2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 140737488355327 | -22835963083295358096913227975711605245683433476
gcd is 1
bezier coeffs are s=-70317187788798, t=11409616039274437251022666294687410211726049287: -70317187788798*22835963083295358096913227975711605245683433476+11409616039274437251022666294687410211726049287*140737488355327=1

Generating the full keypair:

Found the full keypair:
e = 140737488355327
d = 11409616039274437251022666294687410211726049287
n = 22835963083295358096922901743451763713903689729
Proving d * e === 1 (mod totient)
11409616039274437251022666294687410211726049287 * 140737488355327 = 22835963083295358096913227975711605245683433476 * 70317187788798 + 1

Solving public key from private key without ϕ(n)\phi(n) (O(2n)O(2^n)):

Solving nn given public and private key (O(???)O(???)):

Sources: Private Key from Public Key Complexity of RSA