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Reverse Engineering Beginner Guide
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- Jayden Koh
Reverse Engineering Beginner Guide
Beginner guide for learning reverse engineering CTFs.
Before you get scared off from reversing, note that these levels are on a logarithmic curve, meaning that once you get past the baby level, everything will start the make more sense and you probably won't need this list anymore, but it's still a good reference. As you get more advanced, you'll start needing a wider range of skills and each specific will be used less and less meaning that you'll probably need to learn on the fly. The most important soft skill here would be knowing how to google for information while ctfs are running because you can't learn everything beforehand. There's a lot of things that aren't covered on here but this covers most of the important things, don't worry about reading through everything before getting your feet wet (skim through everything at least), these are just reference materials for you to go back on when you get stuck.
Assembly opcodes, registers, and data (read all of it)
(keep in mind there are different types of assemblies, different compilers and architectures, most of them are irrelevant but may come up later; there are a lot of nuances here)ctrl+f for the different architectures
Binary labs (kinda messy but gets the job done)
Debugging, Disassembling, and Decompiling
Decompilers (familiarity with one is good enough):
r2 (arguably the hardest tool to learn but also the most powerful) remember to do further research yourself
Scripting langauges:
Python (learning until file handling is good enough)
Additional Resources and Tools:
Writeups for Practical Binary Analysis Book
Intermediate stuff:
Not really any order so figure it out.
Malware Analysis:
Standard linux library
Memory allocation and security calls
binary tree and forking
binary patching
modifying binaries in runtime
stripped binaries
Bypassing Antidebugging and this (different compiling flags) and this, last way to bypass is by manually changing flags, and for GDB specific based on this
I should probably put a thing for every single possible way to bypass ptrace antidebug [Ptrace hacking]
Bypassing Antidebugging (Windows)
bypassing antivm/virtualization
Embedded Systems:
Z3 (numbers are crunchy crunchy)
Languages (these sometimes show up so a basic understanding on hand is good enough for reversing):
Advanced stuff:
These stuff you can't really learn in advance because there are a lot of these and pretty hard to learn so definitely not comprehensive and very ctf dependent, at this point you should know how to google for what you need anyways.